Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Welcome 2013 with a renewed commitment to living healthy. These wellness resolutions will keep you energized, fit, and beautiful, inside and out.

Control Your Portions
Want to downsize your figure? Start downsizing your dishes. Studies show using smaller plates and bowls promote weight loss because they help to curb overeating. 

Be Active
One habit naturally slim people share is their ability to stay in motion. Try to inject each day with more activity (adults should aim for 30 minutes daily). The opportunities are endless once you've developed the right mindset.

Slash Sodium Consumption
Studies show many Americans consume close to twice the recommended limit of sodium, which is a teaspoon (or 6 grams) daily. Besides contributing to water retention (think bloat!), sodium can raise blood pressure. Processed foods contain the most, so make sure to read labels. Lower sodium diets are linked to decreased risk of heart disease, but are also associated with lower hypertension and weight management.

Increase Antioxidants
When your body breaks down food it produces molecules called free radicals. Cigarette smoke and radiation also produce free radicals. Over time, the damage from these substances can result in conditions like infection, cancer, inflammation, and heart disease. That's where antioxidants step in.

Quit Smoking Already
For smokers, quitting may be the hardest resolution to stick with because it is so challenging. If you consider the benefits, and take advantage of today's resources, this could be the year you successfully become a nonsmoker. 

Floss Your Teeth
Like many people, you may not know that bacteria in your mouth can lead to serious problems if you neglect oral health. You may also be surprised to learn that during routine exams, your dentist can spot indications of diabetes and heart disease. One simple thing you can do to head off bacteria is floss your teeth. To see expert solutions to gum disease and learn how to prevent gum disease and tooth loss.

Wear Sunscreen... All Year
Sun exposure affects everyone. According to the National Cancer Institute most skin cancer develops after age 50, though sun damage starts at an early age. The sun's rays are also behind brown spots, and can make wrinkles appear before their time. Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen, even in the winter, anywhere skin is laid bare to the elements.

Strength Train
In simply 10 minutes a day you could gain more energy, stronger bones, and a faster metabolism -- and you don't even need to lift dumbbells.  Find a class or exercise you are passionate about!

Take Care of yourself & Remember there are Alternatives
Watch what chemicals you are putting in your body.  Remember that Advil doesn’t know exactly where your headache or pain is.  It must travel through your whole body to get to the source of your pain and it can damage your organs in the process.  There are natural less harmful ways to deal with pain or other health issues.  See your Naturopath, Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, or Physiotherapist next time.  They are a healthier alternative!

Expect Good Things from Yourself
Having healthy expectations for yourself is important to both your physical and mental health. Obviously, that's easier said than done. A mean-spirited inner-critic can ruin relationships, keep you from reaching personal goals, and restrict your ability to be an active participant in your life.